As you probably know, the LITE Hamper provides much-needed support for Winnipeg families in the form of food and gifts to get them through the cold months. Every year, we look for ways to make the program better.
Sometimes that means including different items, or grocery gift cards. Other years, the innovations are bolder.
This year, we worked with the Christmas Cheer Board to complete a historic social purchase, adding 8,000 soup and pancake mixes – made by participants in our partner organizations – to their hampers. This is huge!
Every purchase like this creates jobs and supports our community, but for the products those jobs make to be going back into the community through this hamper program increases their value even more.
And we’re not stopping there. Your support can keep helping even more families in Winnipeg’s core communities.
This year’s LITE Hamper is a bit different too.
Consultation with our partner organizations on how to make the program better pointed at an important issue: while a lot of discussion happens about what goes into a hamper, when the hampers are delivered is often overlooked.
Thanks to the guidance of our community, we’re delivering hampers in early January.
Our goal is to have 200 hampers ready for families before year’s end. Every donation counts!